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Hey PRUHero offers both savings and protection in one package.To prepare you for stepping into financial security and flexibility in the unforeseen future, PRUHero offers 4 special benefits for you to choose from for greater savings and protection.
Choose different choices of Savings and Protections for PRUHero
High Flexibility Policy term from 13 years up to 30 years and a coverage of 5 / 10 / 15 times your annual premium.
High Non-Guaranteed Return Receive non-guaranteed maturity benefit up to 142% of total premiums paid. And Receive at least 100% of total premium paid for base plan at maturity.
Loyalty Bonus Receive loyalty bonus from 5% to 20% for paying premiums in full and on time.
Critical Care+ Receive 25% of Sum Assured upon diagnosis of early-stage condition (max $25,000) Receive 100% of Sum Assured upon diagnosis of late-stage condition minus early-stage payment if any.