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About Financial Literacy for Women

Since the initial COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, Cambodia has endured severe socio-economic consequences, which have worsened as the pandemic continues. While the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected communities across the Kingdom, women and girls – among the most vulnerable groups in Cambodia – have been most severely affected. 

Women's participation in training and capacity building initiative is restricted mainly since most of them are microentrepreneurs, come from rural areas and simply lack access to opportunities. They also face restricting business hours, and lower education, which can impact their confidence. This project aims to drive local women economic empowerment, readiness for digital transformation and capacity to promote entrepreneurship development. In partnership with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, SHE Investments will encourage women's economic empowerment and leadership, as a pathway to a sustainable, inclusive and resilient recovery. 

The goal of this project is to support 60 women-led, micro and informal enterprises in rural areas of Cambodia to improve their financial management, enhancing their financial decision-making skills, confidence in managing money and ability to plan for their business and family. It will also increase their knowledge and confidence using digital tools and integrated technology in their business practices. 


As a result of this training, participants will have the requisite skills and knowledge to make informed financial decisions, which will empower them for a resilient recovery in the post COVID-19 context. A key aspect of SHE programs is training women on problem-solving skills, both individually and as a group. Problem-solving skills are crucial for entrepreneurs; they must be able to solve problems for their customers, and in the day-to-day running of their business.